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Rancilio Silvia V6 Black Limited Edition

Rancilio Silvia V6 Black Limited Edition


Regular Price: AU$1,239.00

Special Price AU$1,180.00

Availability: In stock

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Customer Reviews

Great machine Review by bilnrobn
I'm now on my second Rancilio Silvia V5., the first one giving years of service. The new one, (identical to the first one but in matt black finish), I've had since April and it performs as well as the original. Of course making a good coffee depends on several factors, the machine being one of them. If you are new to a espresso machines then go online and learn the small thing you need to perfect to get a superb cup every time. The right machine, your barista skills and the quality of the coffee all contribute to the end result.

Back to the machine, I found that after some years the base of the previous machine machine began to rust under the stainless drip tray. So drying any moisture that may sneaks past the drip tray will give you a longer life. Buy some Espresso machine cleaner and follow the directions in the manual to clean the group head. The flushing clean using the cleaner powder I only do once a month, but I guess this depends on how frequently you use the machine. Twice a day is our habit so not a heavy user.

I can recommend the product. (Posted on 16/11/2019)

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